Laser Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker Review: Can Toasties Go Nuclear?

Laser Microwave Toastie Maker (Photo: Alex Kidman)

The Laser Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker has, by far, the silliest name of any product I’ve ever reviewed… but it does do a decent job of making a single toastie if you’ve only got a microwave oven.

Pros Cons
Can produce nice toasties from the microwave Gets insanely hot when doing so
Easy to clean Slightly expensive for making a single toastie
Dishwasher safe Still possible to overnuke the bread, making it inedible

Score: 3/5


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In this review

Laser Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker Design
Laser Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker Performance
Laser Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker Conclusion

Over the years, Laser (technically Laser Corporation) has sold and offered quite a wide range of technology gadgets, and I’ve reviewed many of them. The company’s pitch has always been around value-centric products in every single market it could possibly find.

I did not, I must be honest, expect to find a Laser branded microwave Toastie maker in its portfolio. And yet somehow, here I am, reviewing the Laser Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker.

I mean, if somebody offered you a microwave toastie maker to review, wouldn’t you be at least a bit curious as to whether such a thing could work at all? I know I was, which is why I’m writing this – and presumably why you’re reading it.

Preamble aside, if you just want the quick verdict, the answer is yes, it can work, but you have to be quite careful about filling choices, microwave power and heat dissipation along the way.

Also it’s kind of an expensive way to make your toasties, so it’s best suited to individuals who only have access to a microwave and nothing else.


Laser Microwave Toastie Maker (Photo: Alex Kidman)

The simple toastie is, without a doubt, one of humanity’s greatest inventions, and it’s one that has largely defied reinvention over the years. Sure, you can fill it with just about anything you’d like to eat piping hot, but the simple matter of squashing two pieces of bread between a lined griddle plate isn’t exactly high technology – and the Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker isn’t exactly high tech either.

It comprises two heavy aluminium plates that sit within a red rubber enclosure with clips on the side. The plates can be removed for washing – and they’re noted as being dishwasher safe – and that’s your lot.

It’s set up for a single toastie at at time, though you can reuse it after making a single toastie, though the manual notes that it’s not a good idea to do so more than four times in a row.

It quickly became evident to me why that’s the case.


Laser Microwave Toastie Maker (Photo: Alex Kidman)

The real curiosity point around the Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker is whether or not it was going to destroy every toastie put to it, because bread and microwaves typically do not play well together.

If you ever want to make entirely inedible food, try microwaving a piece of bread for anything more than about a minute, and you’ll end up with a rectangular slab best used as a house brick more than a tasty snack.

I knew that, so I had my doubts about how well the Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker would actually manage to create not only edible bread, but something that felt like it had been properly toasted.

To my surprise, the Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker can actually make a decent looking and tasting toastie, though it does take a little work to get the best results.

The classic recipe – butter or margarine on both sides of the bread, filling inside and clamp it shut – barely needs an instruction manual, but you do have to be careful with the timing.

The suggestion for medium toast – who really wants an undercooked or burnt toastie? – is for two and a half minutes of microwaving time, a flip and then a further minute and a half of cooking time.

This does work and can create a single tasty toastie – so far I’ve tried the classic cheese approach, as well as cheese and mixed fillings – but you do have to be careful not to overpack the toastie.

Not so much for spillage reasons, but because if you put a “fat” toastie recipe in there, the edges of the bread will be entirely exposed to the microwave, running the risk of going rock solid hard and inedible as a result. Yes, I’ve already been there, and it’s quite disappointing to be awaiting your tasty hot lunch treat only to end up with a burnt brick oozing glowing cheese and scalding tomato juice…

Moderation is key here, as is having a set of oven gloves or similar handy, because the Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker gets seriously hot. Of course it needs to, because heat is key to toasting bread and heating interior ingredients, but it would be unwise indeed to try flipping it or taking it out of the microwave with your bare hands.

This is why the manual suggests doing no more than 4 in a row, and even then I reckon you’d be approaching heat levels where the Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker would simply melt its way down through your kitchen bench and towards the core of the earth as soon as you removed it from the microwave anyway.

The other challenge here is one of time, because excluding preparation time, you’re talking a four minute cook time, which is not far off what you’d be doing in a classic electric toastie maker.

Microwaving can be convenient, but that’s typically because you’re cooking at a much faster pace than with traditional implements, and that doesn’t entirely feel like it’s the case here.

Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker:
Alex’s Verdict


Laser Microwave Toastie Maker (Photo: Alex Kidman)

Does the Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker produce quite edible microwave toasties?

Yes, it does, for sure. As long as you don’t overload it or over-nuke it, the results can be quite satisfactory, though I do still have some value concerns.

Firstly, at $29.95, it’s the price of a cheap dual press grill, a more flexible maker of toasties straight up. Here you’re only getting one toastie at a time, and maybe you can stop at just one… but I’m the kind of guy who typically wants two at a time at a minimum.

That price is also somewhat awkward, because in researching this review, I can’t help but note some other brands offering what appears to be the same arrangement for at least $10 less.

It’s rare to find a Laser product as the “pricey” model in the market, and to be fair I’ve not tested those $20 or less models. Maybe they’re built of lesser materials, or slightly smaller or something – but I can’t ignore that they exist.

That puts the Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker into an interesting niche.

If you live alone with only a microwave for meals and no space or capacity for a press grill or classic toastie maker, then the Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker could be a decent buy.

If you crave more than one toastie at a time or can accommodate a simple press grill or similar device in your kitchen, that’s probably a better buy for you.

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Laser Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker: Pricing and availability

The Laser Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker retails for $29.95

Buy The Eezee’s Muncheez Microwave Toastie Maker! Buy On Amazon

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