Ad-Free August is done… and now I have to decide what to do to keep the site afloat in September. Here’s what I’ve decided upon, at least for this month.
I made the call at the start of last month that I’d experiment with reader/viewer funding rather than having Google Ads running on the site, primarily to see how it would go and what kinds of impacts it would have around here.
First of all, before I start in on my observations and what happens next, a HUGE thanks to those who chose to donate towards AlexReviewsTech, either on a rolling or one-off basis. Specifically, thanks to:
- CD
- Bianca
- Paul W
- Phil S
- Kev
- Tom
- Allrite
- Jenni
- Mike
For supporting what I’m doing.
It’s no secret at all that media production is in a difficult state right now, and it would be simply wonderful if I could make enough to make ART more worthwhile as part of my writing and video creation work — or, under ideal circumstances, the only thing I do. Previously on AlexReviewsTech, I used Google ads not as a means to a fortune (let’s be realistic here…) but at least as a way to cover server costs and a little of my time.
However, Google Ads (and most other ad networks, but Google’s the big dog here by a wide margin) have a significant impact on site performance and the look and feel of the site. While I do like keeping the server lights flickering and eating every once in a while, having so many interstitial ads, scrolling banner ads, side ads and intrusions really does hurt the way you experience a site, you know?
But did Ad Free August work? Did it generate as much as (on average) I’d make out of the Google Ads?
Honestly… no.
I would have made more leaving the ads in on average.
However, I can’t deny that the site looks better, runs faster and the feedback I’ve had from readers privately is that it’s much better without them. Also, it’s not as though I got no support — just less financially than I might have done otherwise.
So what do I do? I experiment a little more, at least for now. I’m not saying that the ads will never return, but I’m going to let this run through September as well… with a little tweaking to give people three different ways they can support the site.
A clarification note: I’m talking about individual support, but I also hear a LOT from PR and some tech companies about how they’d love to support local tech media. Ahem. It’s impolite to say, but the time put your money where your mouth is right now, folks.
Nothing stopping PR or tech companies from donating too, either as a one-off or on a rolling basis. Here’s a direct link that you can use to do so right now if you’re in PR or tech or keep saying how you do support and believe in a strong media landscape:
Also happy to discuss direct sponsorship/advertising options in that style as well, though that’s a different beast again — drop me a line if you’re keen. If you’re selling dodgy medical equipment, crypto, gambling, vapes or “enhancement” products, don’t even bother, you’d be wasting both of our time.
Back to the main game! Want to support the work I’m doing at AlexReviewsTech either in print or video form? Here’s how you can do that, in descending order of effectiveness — but with a little something for everyone.
Donate via Ko-Fi
This is still the best way to donate to what I’m doing; it’s simple, effective and easy to do, whether you’re making a one-off donation or signing up for a monthly donation (which would, it’s true, mean you could feel all happy and wonderful every time you read something knowing you’re helping to support its creation, hint hint).
I am trying to work on some approaches to making ko-fi support more valuable for those who do so, beyond public thanks — open to ideas and approaches but I’m also trying to not work behind paywalls and the like for now.
Want to support AlexReviews Tech via Ko-Fi? Click the button below to get started!
But I know, for some people it’s tricky to support without feeling like you’re getting something for your money. Which is why there’s always…
Buy an eBook!
I’ve been a technology journalist and writer since 1998, mostly writing news, reviews, guides and opinion pieces.
However — and some of you will know this, but some of you might not — I’ve also written a couple of fictional works that you could buy, helping to support the site by doing so. Not as direct as Ko-Fi in terms of what I get from it — publishers take their cut first — but you do get something to read in return.
So what’s on offer?
If you’re a fan of B-Movies of a certain type, then there’s Sharksplosion, a very silly novel I wrote about exploding sharks, Australian secret agents and every single spy and action movie trope I could cram into just the one adventure.
Buy Sharksplosion via Amazon Kindle
Buy Sharksplosion for Apple devices via Apple Books.
Buy Sharksplosion for all other e-reader platforms via Books2Read
What if bad movies aren’t your thing? How about a little taste of every genre? That’s what you’ll find in Fifty Two, a collection of short stories… look, I’ll let the blurb tell the story here:
Fifty Two short stories of love, humanity, talking spiders, regret, passion, death, guys called dave, circuses run by bees, the future of education, how to name cats, loss, love, murder, redemption and anything and everything else that can happen to a human being. Or creatures that seem to resemble human beings.
Buy Fifty Two via Amazon Kindle
Buy Fifty Two for Apple devices via Apple Books
Buy Sharksplosion for all other e-reader platforms via Books2Read
Coming Soon: Fifty Two: The Second Deck. Hoping to have this one published by the end of the year — watch this space…
Buy something via an Amazon Affiliate link
This is, by far, the least effective way to support the site, but honestly, every little bit counts.
Yes, I’m aware that affiliate marketing has a very bad name, and it’s no particular surprise why, because a lot of sites use it to heavily promote products either without testing them or because they get a better affiliate rate for them.
I’m not going to do that, but you will find (where available) buy links within reviews I’m writing that do include an affiliate code that would put a little of your purchase price back towards what I’m doing at AlexReviewsTech. You’ll also see a bunch of generated Amazon links at the very bottom of many posts; they’re more broad but doing the same essential thing.
I try to be 100% transparent about this, I’m not just collating lists for the purpose of flogging products I know nothing about, and doing so has zero impact on how I write about any given product, absolutely.
Doing so would be entirely contrary to what I’m trying to do with AlexReviewsTech, keeping ethical tech journalism alive.
So that’s what I’m going to do for September. Happy to discuss with my readers/viewers as to what they’d like to see (especially if they’re Ko-fi supporters!) or not see in this respect — and also of course happy to see you back here reading and watching the content I’m making!
Does this mean you’re no longer freelancing?
Not at all — I’m still available for all kinds of freelance writing, content creating, hosting and editing jobs. Need a multi-award winning freelancer with decades of experience? Drop me a line!