Australian Pinball Museum Nhill Walkthrough And Review

My EV trek to Adelaide wound me through all sorts of interesting tiny regional towns. Including Nhill, which houses the truly excellent Australian Pinball Museum. You should visit. Here’s why.

In the tiny town of Nhill (well, just on its outskirts, really) lies a very special place indeed.

The Australian Pinball Museum. Located just outside of town (so if you’re not careful, you’ll zoom right past it when driving the Melbourne to Adelaide route, or vice versa), it’s a cornucopia of delights, with machines spanning nearly 100 years on display. Most of them playable.

It was clearly time to get my pinball on.

You can find the Australian Pinball Museum Website here.

It’s right next door to the Nhill Oasis Motel.

(I’ve done this walkthrough entirely independently without payment or any other kind of consideration; I just think the whole enterprise is exceptional and worth calling out as a GREAT place to stop on your next road trip.)

Also huge thanks to Alex “ausretrogamer” Boz for pointing out to me its existence.

Alex covers the best in retro and pinball right here.

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